Habgoblin Hot Sauce | Virtual Tour

"How exactly is Habgoblin Hot Sauce made?"
We've curated this virtual tour of our process so you can share in the excitement of what it looks like behind the scenes. The next time you hold a bottle of Habgoblin in your hand, you'll know exactly how it got there!

Reap What you Sow

Habgoblin Hot Sauce is made with all natural ingredients, and that means going straight to the source.

Eugene, OR. is called "The Valley" and we're lucky to have a myriad of options, big and small, to source the freshest ingredients for our sauces.

shout out to Thistle Down Farms

and Mountain Rose Herbs

  • [videogif mp4="https://www.habgoblinhotsauce.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/blending_loop_cprss.mp4" style='width: 100%' controls='1']
  • [videogif mp4="https://www.habgoblinhotsauce.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/filling_loop_cprss.mp4" style='width: 100%' controls='1']
  • [videogif mp4="https://www.habgoblinhotsauce.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/labeling_loop_cprss.mp4" style='width: 100%' controls='1']
  • [videogif mp4="https://www.habgoblinhotsauce.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/prepping_loop_cprss.mp4" style='width: 100%' controls='1']

Spice it Up

Next step in the process is turning all these pounds of awesome fruits and veggies into Habgoblin Hot Sauce!

We take great care into making sure each batch of sauce is consistent, safe, and scary delicious!

This can be broken down into steps of:

  1. Preparation
  2. Cooking
  3. Filling
  4. Finishing

On the Map

From the kitchen, we quality check and box the goods then it's off to the distributors & our online customers, like you!

We've been incredibly grateful to our retail and restaurant partners, and our fans all over Oregon (and beyond!) who have helped us find our audience and continue to grow!

shoutout to Made in Oregon

and all of our Retailers

  • [videogif mp4="https://www.habgoblinhotsauce.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/expo_bottles_45x3_cprss.mp4" style='width: 100%' controls='1']

Out in the Open

Finally, once in a while we get to come out and meet all of you!

Events and demonstrations are vital for us, as it's our opportunity to gauge your interest. All of you have been incredibly generous with your praise and we couldn't be happier!

Next time you see us you can be sure that the bottles right in front of you have literally been crafted with care from 'farm to table.'

Shoutout to Portland Hot Sauce Expo

Ready for some sauce? Check out our Shop Page.